create a new
Farm Administrator via Power Shell
Copy the below script and paste in noted pad as .PS1
# Creates a new Farm Administrator
$newFarmAdministrator = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please provide the name of the new Farm Administrator in the form of DOMAIN\Username'
$caWebApp = Get-SPWebApplication -IncludeCentralAdministration | where-object {$_.DisplayName -eq "SharePoint Central Administration v4"}
$caSite = $caWebApp.Sites[0]
$caWeb = $caSite.RootWeb
$farmAdministrators = $caWeb.SiteGroups["Farm Administrators"]
$farmAdministrators.AddUser($newFarmAdministrator, "", $newFarmAdministrator, "Configured via PowerShell")
$caDB = Get-SPContentDatabase -WebApplication $caWebApp
Add-SPShellAdmin -Database $caDB -Username $newFarmAdministrator
Once copied as .PS1 run the script.
Note: The user must exist in AD before
run the script.
Please Comment if you need Any Help.Your Feed back is always Welcome.I Am Happy to Help !!!!!