The Web server at "Web site collection URL"
does not appear to have Microsoft SharePoint Foundation installed
Issue: The Web server at "Web site collection URL" does not
appear to have Microsoft SharePoint Foundation installed
Cause: The Web server at "Web site collection URL" does not
appear to have Microsoft SharePoint Foundation installed
Solution: Please follow the steps below to resolve
this problem, enable the client integration. To do this, follow these steps:
Start SharePoint 2010 Central Administration,
and then click Security.
Click Specify authentication providers.
If the Web
application in the Web Application
list is not the same application that you want to open in SharePoint Designer
2010, click Web Application on
the Change Web Application list.
On the Select Web Application page, click the
name of the Web application that you want to open.
Under Zone, Click Default to open the Edit
Authentication page.
Under Enable Client Integration, click Yes, and then click Save.
I hope the above information will help you to resolve the issue, in case of any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know. I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues, Thank you.