Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Access Denied while creating a workflow in SharePoint designer

Access Denied while creating a workflow in SharePoint designer

Issue: Access Denied while creating a workflow in SharePoint designer
Sometimes while creating a workflow using a SharePoint Designer we may see the error Access Denied even if the user is having Full Control on the site.

Solution: please find the below steps to get resolve the issue.

Ensure whether having permissions on the list to which you are attaching the workflow.
If you still see the problem even after doing that, ensure you do the below steps.
  1. Open the site in the browser.
  2. Right click on the Workflows folder and select Properties.
  3. In the Security tab, select “Manage Permissions using the browser“.
  4. In the workflows list’s permissions window, provide permission for the user you are facing the issue.

Please Comment if you need Any Help.Your Feed back is always Welcome.I Am Happy to Help !!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2014

People Picker takes too long to resolve names

People Picker takes too long to resolve names

This is a most common issue that we see in People search that picker takes more time to resolve the names. Microsoft has provided a fix for this. There is not impact and no downtime.

Issue: People Picker takes too long to resolve names

Cause: The problem is that we will always go to Active Directory first by default to do the lookup via the Translate To ids  function.  This isn’t desirable in this specific case because it’s a SharePoint security group that’s being passed.  The second part of the problem is with the format of the name specified on the people picker field.  The fact that there is no \ in the name causes Active Directory to submit the lookup against every domain in the forest.  In a large Forest, this can become a taxing operation.  Finally, the lookup is resolved within SharePoint.

Solution: Please run the following to resolve the issue.

1.    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint")
2.    $webapp=[Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebApplication]::Lookup("WEB App URL")
3.    $webapp.PeoplePickerSettings.ActiveDirectoryRestrictIsolatedNameLevel=$true;
4.    $webapp.Update();

Related KB’s:

 This property is set on the Web Application level and is false by default. In order to work around the problem, set this property to true.  


Please Comment if you need Any Help.Your Feed back is always Welcome.I Am Happy to Help !!!!!

Images not displaying in SharePoint sites

Images not displaying in SharePoint sites

one of the site collection in my test lab was not displaying any of the images in the site which were contained in the document libraries. When I tried accessing the image directly got the error “File Not Found”. But when I check in the particular document library all the images are available.

Issue: Images not displaying in SharePoint sites

Cause: This could be of many reasons, In this article am providing the one which I know as per my experience.

1.   The name of IMAGES Folder in the path C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE is different.
2.   images were not available in this cache folder

Solution: Follow the steps to resolve the issue.

1.   Ensure that the IMAGES Folder in the path C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE is named as” IMAGES”

2.   clearing the Blob Cache
To do so go to Site Settings -> Site Collection Object Cache Settings
In Disk Based Cache Reset section enable Force this server to reset its disk based cache check box and click OK. Now the images will appear properly.
If you still seeing the same error, clear your browser cache, close all the browser windows and open the site again.

Please Comment if you need Any Help.Your Feed back is always Welcome.I Am Happy to Help !!!!!

Your personal site cannot be created because a site already exists. Contact your site administrator for more information

Your personal site cannot be created because a site already exists. Contact your site administrator for more information.

We see the error some times when we create the personal site using My Site option in SharePoint. There could be of many reasons of not able to create the My site. In this article I am providing the most common that we need to look.

Issue: Your personal site cannot be created because a site already exists. Contact your site administrator for more information

Cause: There will be a site already created with the same User as that of the current user

Solution: Ensure to check and follow the below to resolve the error.
1.     There will be a site already created with the same user  as that of the current user.
2.     So just delete the site by going to Central Admin> Application Management > SharePoint Site Management > Delete Site Collection ->
3.     Try to create the new My site and check.

Note: But this condition may also arise if you have multiple domain users accessing your portal Such case the display name of any of the user have to be changed.


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