Thursday, January 9, 2014

The tool was unable to install Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Roles as pre-requisites for SharePoint server 2013

The tool was unable to install Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Roles as pre-requisites for SharePoint server 2013.

Issue: While installing SharePoint 2013 in a Windows 2012 Server was getting the following error right after the prerequisites installation begins:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\Reboot Required
Solution: To resolve the issue, we need to set the Local policy. Follow the process below. Go to the paths in below.

Go to server->windows start->MMC-> Click File, Add/Remove Snap-in-> Select Group Policy Object Editor and ADD it-> Navigate to Administrative templates / System-> Select and edit “Specify Settings for optional component installation and component repair”               

 Enable and select “Contract Windows Update directly to download repair content instead of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)”
 Re-run the prerequisite installation

Solution 2: run the command below

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regii -enable -i

Please Comment if You need Help!!!I am happy to assist.

The Products Preparation Tool in SharePoint Server 2013 may not progress past Configuring Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role

The Products Preparation Tool in SharePoint Server 2013 may not progress past Configuring Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role

Issue: When you try to install Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 on some Windows Server 2012 configurations, the Products Preparation Tool may be unable to correctly configure and install the required Windows Features for SharePoint. If this occurs, the tool will continuously try to configure and install the required features and then restart.

Solution: We have Workarounds for this issue. Follow the below steps to overcome the issue. It will work like charm. Thanks to MS.


Please Comment if you need Any Help.Your Feed back is always Welcome.I Am Happy to Help !!!!!

Add a Yammer feed to a SharePoint page

Add a Yammer feed to a SharePoint page

 Detailed article from Microsoft.

Thanks to MS.

Please Comment if you need Any Help.Your Feed back is always Welcome.I Am Happy to Help !!!!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Publishing service applications in sharepoint

Publishing service applications in sharepoint

Follow the below steps to publish the service applications between different farms.

Setting Up the Farm Trust

1. On the publishing server, create a folder at c:\PubCerts.

2. From the publishing server, open the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell. To get the certificate, type the following line and press Enter

        $rootCert = (Get-SPCertificateAuthority).RootCertificate

3. To export the certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

$rootCert.Export("Cert") | Set-Content C:\PubCerts\PublishingRoot.cer
-Encoding byte

4. Copy the c:\PubCerts folder from the publishing server to the consuming server.

5. On the consuming server, create a folder at c:\ConsumerCerts.

6. From the publishing server, open the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.

7. To get the certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

          $rootCert = (Get-SPCertificateAuthority).RootCertificate

8. To export the certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

$rootCert.Export("Cert") | Set-Content C:\ConsumerCerts\ConsumingRoot.cer
-Encoding byte

9. To get the STS certificate, type the following line and press Enter:
$stsCert =(Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig).LocalLoginProvider.SigningCertificate

10. To export the STS certificate, type the following line and press Enter:
$stsCert.Export("Cert") | Set-Content "C:\ConsumerCerts\ConsumingSTS.cer"
-Encoding byte

11. Copy the c:\ConsumerCerts folder to the publishing server.

12. Still on the consuming server, to load the publishing server’s certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

$trustCert = Get-PfxCertificate "C:\PubCerts\PublishingRoot.cer"

13. To set up the trust using the certificate, type the following line and press enter:
New-SPTrustedRootAuthority PublishingFarm -Certificate $trustCert

14. Return to the Management Shell on the publishing server.

15. To load the consuming server’s certifi cate, type the following line and press Enter:
$trustCert = Get-PfxCertificate "c:\ConsumerCerts\ConsumingRoot.cer"

16. To set up the trust using the certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

New-SPTrustedRootAuthority Collaboration -Certificate $trustCert

17. To load the consuming server’s STS certificate, type the following line and press Enter:

$stsCert = Get-PfxCertificate "c:\ConsumerCerts\ConsumingSTS.cer"

18. To add the STS certificate to the trust, type the following line and press Enter:
New-SPTrustedServiceTokenIssuer Collaboration -Certificate $stsCert

19. Return to the Management Shell on the consuming server.

20. Type the following line and press Enter:
Get-SPFarm | Select Id

21. Record that GUID for use later.

22. Return to the Management Shell on the publishing server.

23. To get the security object for the Application Discovery and Load Balancer service
application, type the following line and press Enter:
$security = Get-SPTopologyServiceApplication |

24. To get the farm’s claim provider object, type the following line and press Enter:
$claimProvider = (Get-SPClaimProvider System).ClaimProvider

25. To set up the new claim principal for the consuming farm, type the following line and press
$principal = New-SPClaimsPrincipal -ClaimType "
-ClaimProvider $claimProvider
-ClaimValue <Type the ID from Step 21, don't include the <>>

26. To give that principal permission in your publishing farm to the Application Discovery and
Load Balancer service application, type the following line and press Enter:
 Grant-SPObjectSecurity -Identity $security -Principal $principal
-Rights "Full Control"

27. To set the access just given, type the following line and press Enter:
 Get-SPTopologyServiceApplication | Set-SPServiceApplicationSecurity
-ObjectSecurity $security

That completes the process of establishing a trust between the two farms so that the publishing server can serve up service applications to the consuming farm. If you want to look at the trusts or possibly remove one, you can do that through the GUI by navigating to Central Administration ➪Security ➪ Manage trust.

Publishing a Service Application

For this task, you could dive back into Power Shell or you could use the GUI in Central

For this example, you will publish a Managed Metadata service application:

1. On the publishing server, open Central Administration.

2. Navigate to Application Management ➪ Manage service applications.

3. Click to the right of the service application you want to make available.

4. In the Ribbon, click Publish.

5. On the Publish Service Application page, check the box for “Publish this Service Application to other farms.”

6. For the Publish URL, copy all of the string that begins with “urn:” and ends with “.svc.”
For example, it will be similar to the following:

7. Scroll down the page and click OK.

8. Click to the right of the service application.

9. From the Ribbon, click Permissions.

10. Enter the farm ID of the consuming farm (refer to step 21 in the previous section, “Setting
Up the Farm Trust”). Click Add.

11. Highlight the remote farm: <Your Farm ID>.

12. For permissions, check the box to assign the permissions you wish to give to the remotefarm. The permissions available will vary according to the service application being published.

13. Open Central Administration on the consuming farm and navigate to Application
Management ➪ Manage service applications.

14. From the Ribbon, click Connect.

15. Enter the URL for the service application you want to access from step 6 in this section.

Click OK.

16. Click the service application name so that it is highlighted in yellow.

17. You can specify whether this service application should be included in the default service application group. When you are done, click OK.

18. Either accept the default connection name or enter your own. When you are fi nished,

click OK.

19. At the Success screen, click OK.

You can now work with the service application just as if it were part of your farm. 

Please Comment if you need Any Help.Your Feed back is always Welcome.I Am Happy to Help !!!!!

Service Application Commands

 Service Application Commands

To get most of the cmdlets about service applications, run the following command from the SharePoint Management Shell:

                Get-Command *service application*

We will get all the commands related to service applications.

Please Comment if you need Any Help.Your Feed back is always Welcome.I Am Happy to Help !!!!!
