Thursday, November 7, 2013

Cannot open the excel files in SharePoint 2010

 Cannot open the excel files in SharePoint 2010

 Issue : Users cannot open excel files in SharePoint 2010 from the Library and get an error
"This workbook cannot be opened because it is not stored in an Excel Services Application trusted location. To create an Excel Services Application trusted location, contact your system administrator"                                                                                          

In Previous Versions of SharePoint, what users do, They contact SP admins and ask them to add library to trusted file location (as error says) but in SP 2010 it's not the case 

Cause : By default the files are designed to open in browser . So it is checking for trusted location   

Resolution :Follow the below steps to resolve the issue.

  1.   Go to the Library
  2.   On the top click on Library and go to Library settings .
  3.   Under General settings you will find Advanced settings
  4.   Over there you will find the option which by default is set to open in Browser
  5.   You need to set it to Open in Client and there you go .
  6.   Click OK and you are done

The security validation for this page has timed out" error message when a user submits data to Windows SharePoint Services

The security validation for this page has timed out" error message when a user submits data to Windows SharePoint Services


Cause: This behavior occurs if a user submits information to the server after the security validation time-out that is set for the virtual server expires. By default, the security validation time-out value in Windows SharePoint Services is set to 30 minutes. That is, if 30 minutes pass before the user clicks Save and Close to submit data to the server, the user must reenter the data and then resubmit that data to the server.

      Workaround: Increase the security validation time-out value. To do this, follow these steps:

·        Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click SharePoint Central Administration.
·        Under Virtual Server Configuration on the Windows SharePoint Services Central Administration page, click Configure virtual server settings.
·        On the Virtual Server List page, click the name of the virtual server that you want to configure.
·        Under Virtual Server Management on the Virtual Server Settings page, click Virtual server general settings.
·        In the Web Page Security Validation area of the Virtual Server General Settings page, specify the number of minutes that you want to set for the security validation time-out, and then click OK.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

This file cannot be saved because some properties are missing or invalid. Use the Document Information Panel to provide the correct property values. Errors for required properties are marked with a red asterisk, and errors for invalid properties are marked with a red dashed border

This file cannot be saved because some properties are missing or invalid. Use the Document Information Panel to provide the correct property values. Errors for required properties are marked with a red asterisk, and errors for invalid properties are marked with a red dashed border

Recently one of our project is in UAT, user has an issue with the saving of a word document contains Business fields, in SharePoint 2010.while checking for the issue, I found MS article says that, the issue is Known and there some work around to remediate the issue.
 work around for this issue, choose one of the following workarounds:
Workaround 1

· Click New Document in the Documents tab of the SharePoint 2010 list.
·  In Word 2010, click Insert.
·  In the Text group, click Quick Parts, point to Document Property, and then click to insert the control for the business data column.
· Add data to the control for the business data column, and then save the document.

  Workaround 2
· Create a new document in the client computer.
· Upload this document to the document library.
· Input the value for the required Business data field when you are prompted to do this.
      Referred Article from MS :

Please Comment if you need any Help!!!! 

when we try to upload some of the file Extensions in SharePoint Sites like .PST or .MDB we get the error” file with .pst format could not be loaded into the system”

when we try to upload some of the file Extensions in SharePoint Sites like .PST or .MDB we get the error” file with .pst format could not be loaded into the system

 Cause:  By default SharePoint blocks some file types.

  Background: when we try to upload some of the file Extensions in SharePoint Sites like .PST or .MDB we get the error” file with .pst format could not be loaded into the system”


1.  Verify that you have the following administrative credentials.
a.       You must be a farm administrator on the server.

2. In Central Administration, click Security.

3. On the Security page, in the General Security section, click Define blocked file types.

4. On the Blocked File Types page, if you want to change the selected web application, on the Web Application menu, click Change Web Application. Use the Select Web Application page to select a web application.

5.  Do one of the following:

6.To block an additional file type, scroll to the bottom of the Type each file name extension on a separate line text box, type the file name extension that you want to block, and then click OK.

7.To stop blocking a file type, select a file type from the list, press the Delete key,      and then click OK


Issue will get Resolve. Please Comment if you need any Help!!!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

If you click on click to 'datasheet view' .The query cannot be completed because the number of lookup columns it contains exceeds the lookup column threshold enforced by the administrator

if you click on click to 'datasheet view' .The query cannot be completed because the number of lookup columns it contains exceeds the lookup column threshold enforced by the administrator.

 Cause:  By default the limit is 8 lookups per list for users.

  Background: While using farm admin account the  error is not coming "The query cannot be completed because the number of lookup columns it contains exceeds the lookup column threshold enforced by the administrator." But while using SharePoint user account including site collection owners this " error occurs.

 Resolution:  Each new lookup column requires an additional SQL join.  As the number of joins goes up it will have a  effect on performance.  By default the limit is 8 lookups per list.  As you have seen this limit does not apply to farm admins.  You can change the limit for other users in the Resource Throttling settings of the web application in Central Administration.  But making changes to the resource limit can impact performance.

·  Go to Central admin-> Application Management > Manage Web Application.

·   In the Web Application list, select the web application you need.

· Then go to General Settings > Resource Throttling.

·  In the Resource Throttling window, scroll down to List View Lookup Threshold and change the value to the number that suits your needs.


· Click OK.

Issue will get Resolve. Please Comment if you need any Help!!!!
