June CU-2014 Detailed Installation guide for sharepoint 2010
Ensure backup is already
done to farm and databases.
Installation Steps:
1. Download the binaries from the below location
Note: Two
files must copy and both in same Location.(.Exe and CAB)
2. Right click and “Run as administrator” on the “ubersrv2010-kb2880972-fullfile-x64-glb”
file to start the installation.
3. Check the “Click here to accept the Microsoft Software
License Terms” and hit “Continue”
A window will
prompt and wait
Extracting in progress,
This take some time
please wait while
the update is installed.
Please Click on “No”
if get prompted to reboot the server.
NOTE:, you may check in CA >system settings-> Manage
Servers in this farm. You will see the status is now under “Upgrade Block” for Multi server farm.If its a standalone server,You see directly upgrade available.
Installation Required : The server still not yet install with the same CU that
already installed in other servers in multi server farm.
Blocked : The server is blocked
from upgrade. Server is install with latest CU and it will remained blocked
until all the SP servers in the farm are installed with the same version.
Repeat installation of Step above in
other SP Servers. (App servers then follow by WFE servers)
NOTE: After CU is installed to all servers and rebooted. The
status would change to “Upgrade Available”
Run the SharePoint 2010 Products Configuration Wizard in
CA server.

Click “Next” to the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard window.
Click “Yes” to continue
Click “Next to Continue
Configuration in progress
Upgrade completed, click “Finish” to end.
on the installation.
SP version in central admin:
i. CA > Under “System
Settings” > Select “Manage Servers in this Farms” > Ensure the version
has change to “14.0.7125.5000”or 14.0.7125.5002.
SP servers control panel:
Panel > Programs and features > at left pane, click on “ View installed
Updates” > Ensure “kb2880972” is in the list.
b. Check in SP power shell:
i. Open the SharePoint 2010 Management
ii. Type the following:
1. (get-spfarm).buildversion
2. Ensure it shows something like 14 0 7125 5000 or 14.0.7125.5002