Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Cannot start Service Claims to windows token service(c2wts) on Computer

Cannot start Service Claims to windows token service(c2wts) on Computer

Explanation: I had this issue in  one of my R&D environment  where c2wts service couldn't be started in SharePoint 2010 environment. 

Solutions: There are many solutions to resolve the issue, I tried all the possible solutions  that available and one could be my savior. In this article I am providing all the possible solutions that could apply to resolve the issue.

Solution1: Installation of .Net 3.5 or 4.0

Solution 2: If .Net is already installed, Try repairing the .net through Control panel.

A.       Log in to server where you want to start the c2wts Service.
B.       enter gpedit.MSC in RUN
C.      Go to Computer configuration-> Windows Settings-> Security Settings-> Public Key Policies
D.      Double click Certificate Path Validation Settings
E.       Go to Network Retrieval tab
F.       check "Define these policy settings"
G.      Uncheck "Automatically update certificates..."
H.      Uncheck "Allow issued certificate..."
I.         Click OK

Solution 4: Please follow the below to resolve the issue
Go to Registry
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WinTrust\Trust Providers\Software Publishing

Value = State
Radix= decimal

Change the value to '146944' to disable CRL checking

Please find the link from MS that provides more solutions.


I hope the above information will help you to resolve the issue, in case of any queries/questions regarding the above mentioned information then please let me know. I would be more than happy to help you as well as resolves your issues, Thank you.

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Your feedback is Much Appreciated. I will try to reply to your queries as soon as possible!!Anil Avula
