Monday, June 9, 2014

SharePoint 2010,2013 Timer Service Keeps Stopping

SharePoint 2010,2013 Timer Service Keeps Stopping

This is an issue that face every SharePoint administrator many times in there experience. This could be of many reasons. In this article I am providing the one of the reason that cause the issue as per my experience.

Due to the issue with the timer service we see the other parts like Alerts, Backups, Search and UPS also stops working.

Issue: SharePoint 2010,2013 Timer Service Keeps Stopping.

Solution: Ensure to follow the below steps to resolve the issue.

·        Go to Start –> Administration Tools –> Local Security Policy,
·        expand Local Policies –> User Rights Assignments.
·        Double-click the entry in the right pane for “Log on as a service”,
·        And view the users in the members list. Ensure The farm account added under  in the  “LOG on as a service”


Please Comment if you need Any Help.Your Feed back is always Welcome.I Am Happy to Help !!!!!

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Your feedback is Much Appreciated. I will try to reply to your queries as soon as possible!!Anil Avula
