Monday, December 9, 2013

Sign In As a differant user in SharePoint 2013

Sign In As a different user in SharePoint 2013:

 Description: As many of the people observe that the Sign in As Different user option Disable in the SharePoint 2013.Its there in SharePoint 2010.

why to Sign in as a Different User: Developers/ IT administrators, often have to log in with a different user account to test their solutions or customizations, or get a higher-level permissions in a SharePoint site. Even though the menu option is missing, there are several workarounds that can be used to log in as a different user in SharePoint 2013.Check the below Methods to get the sign in as different user.

 Work Around 1:
·       Change the siteurl with yours(URL of you want to sign in) and it will ask you for the new username and password

    Work Around 2:

·       Open internet explorer by  using "run as different user" option  (Shift+ right click) by entering the username and password that you like

 Work Around 3:Follow the below to get done. This is the most Useful and easy to get the option in All the sites.

·       Go to the below path
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server extensions\15\TEMPLATE\CONTROLTEMPLATES\


·       Look for the welcome.ascx
·       Edit the page with notepad. Go to bottom of page. Follow screen shot
·       Put this code in welcome.ascx page and save.
<SharePoint:MenuItemTemplate runat="server" ID="ID_LoginAsDifferentUser"
MenuGroupId="100"   Sequence="100"   UseShortId="true"   />


·       Now look for the Option. This time it would show in all the web sites.

 Note: Take a backup of welcome.ascx page before modification.

Please Comment if you need Any Help.Your Feed back is always Welcome.I Am Happy to Help !!!!!
