Tuesday, December 17, 2013

SharePoint Trouble shooting Methods and Tools

 SharePoint Trouble shooting Methods and Tools

We gather information by following the below methods to trouble shoot the SharePoint issue.
·        Application Logs: This Log will be generated in the System Application logs.
·        System Logs: This Log will be generated in the System  logs
·        ULS logs :This log would locate in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS

·        Developer Dash board tool: Check this Link(http://expertsharepoint.blogspot.de/2013/12/trouble-shooting-sharepoint-with-logs.html)

·         IIS Logs:  Stored in the c:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles by Default.

 IIS logs can be difficult to read. so we might check the Microsoft’s Log Parser at


IIS debug Tool

 Other Tools : below are the other tools used for trouble shooting.

·        Fiddler: It is a webpage debugging tool that enables you to watch both incoming and outgoing web traffic. it’s a great way to troubleshoot slow page loads, Access Denied errors, Kerberos errors, pages that look wrong. We can download fiddler from (http://www.fiddler2.com)

·        SQL Profiler: Can download from

·        Performance Monitor( Perfmon.exe): One of the major advantages is that you can set it to capture information about specific c things at intervals over time. Download from below link


SharePoint Tools to use: 

·        DebugDiag
·        netmon
·        Fiddler2BetaSetup
·        Log Parser
·        PAL_Setup_v2.1_x64
·        SharePoint2010AdministrationToolkit
·        Sharepointctf
·        SharePoint Viewer-Debug
·        SharePoint Viewer-Ship
·        SPDisposeCheck
·        SPSReport
·        UlsViewer
·        WFetch
·        WSSDumpUPerms07

Please Comment if you need Any Help.Your Feed back is always Welcome.I Am Happy to Help !!!!!

1 comment:

Your feedback is Much Appreciated. I will try to reply to your queries as soon as possible!!Anil Avula
