Sunday, November 24, 2013

Why IIS AppPools show V4.0 for SharePoint 2013 running with .net framework V4.5:

  Why IIS AppPools show V4.0 for SharePoint 2013 running with .net framework V4.5:

After, I installed Sharepoint-2013 on my test lab. When I am playing it with. I am confuse by Seeing the IISmanager AppPool Version of SharePoint. I think it should be V 4.5 But still showing V4.0 Like SharePoint 2010.Why?



The .NET Framework can version in two ways.

·          Major Version – also called side by side installs
Two different major versions can live together on the same machine.
·         Minor Version – also called “in-place upgrades”

Minor version means the CLR remains the same but new libraries , bug-fixes and/or some other improvements are added to main CLR.
.NET 4.5 is not a major version and so does not add different side-by-side CLR.

·         It will eventually use the same .net framework V4.0CLR and include some additional libraries and Bug fixes/some improvements as well. But it does not add new CLR. I believe new CLR should be the upcoming version.

Please Comment if you need Any Help.Your Feed back is always Welcome.I Am Happy to Help !!!!!

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Your feedback is Much Appreciated. I will try to reply to your queries as soon as possible!!Anil Avula
